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We believe in the power of prayer. In our experience it releases God's love into our world and into our lives.



We have a Prayer Tree on the concourse where you can write a request and hang it on the tree.
Your request will be included in our prayers in the following Sunday Service.


Each week, in our service at Christ Well, we pray for the people around us and in the world. During the summer months, in our Prayers for Every Household, we do weekly home visits to streets around Christ Well in Manselton, to ask our neighbours what they would like us to pray for on the following Sunday.  We hope this helps us to care for/serve our local community. 


Christ Well has a room dedicated to Prayer. Please feel free to come and pray - the room is always open when the church is open. 

In our Prayer Room some months (or special occasion in the church calendar) we are putting a focus that may help guide our prayers.

In May and June - adding a dove to the tree as a prayer for God's Spirit to help you and to pray for a country...   

Prayer Room
Prayer Room
Prayer Room

In April - interacting with the pieces on the table regarding the empty tomb and the words on the cross...

Prayer Room
Prayer Room

For Holy Week - putting a focus on reflection from the symbols on the table.

Prayer Room


In March -finding various ways to pray for our broken world, our community and our direction as a church.

Prayer Room

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